Saturday, March 8, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

This may seem a little silly, but I have been following Jennifer from Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for quite some time, and I feel like she has had some sort of play in my starting to blog.  I'm linking up with her for Thursday Thoughts -- check below to see my silliness.

  • Has anyone, besides me, every think about how certain stereotypes came to be, i.e. "Old people drive Cadillacs"?  Or "Those are girl toys..."  Does someone take a poll?  Did someone really have time to notice those things? 

  • Yesterday, Hubs and I went out on a date night... to the high school basketball championship game.  All the years I have been "involved" in athletics, you would think I would understand basketball... but nope.  I love the atmosphere though.  It's division 1, and the rhythm of the game and the fan support really makes me love it.  However, the cockiness of some players really irritates me.  You're in high school.  Don't start a fight.  Don't run like a mad man up and down the court because you got a lay-up (Ya... I know that term).  Don't talk back to refs.  Play. the. game.

  • What kind of cars do your undercover police officers drive?  Ours drive Dodge Chargers and I hate it.  Why can't they all drive marked cars?  Anytime I think I see a Dodge Charger, I drive like a granny because I am scared to get pulled over! 

  • I had a little mommy time today and got to go to Ulta, and the mall (Sephora and Target) and I picked up something for a GIVEAWAY next week!  Are you excited?!  Are you ready? I don't knowwwww if you are.  I'll give you a hint.  It may or may not be something that's included in my post about Mommy's Makeup Kit!

  • Gah... I need to start writing thank you notes.  I can already feel my hand cramping....

What are you thinking about?  -TPD


  1. So glad you linked up!!!

    I think the old people drive tan buick stereotype is true.

  2. Yup, random thoughts!!! I always spend time thinking about the stupid way people tend to park...especially in a huge parking lot full of snow piles. They park 5 feet away from each other and leave not quite enough room between cars to get another car in that damn space! STUPID!!!!
