Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Things You Have In Your Home - PT. 2

As I wrote before, I like to get Jackson out of the house in the mornings before his nap, but sometimes, it may not work out.  When those days loom, Jackson needs instant gratification.  He needs to be engaged.  We have toys galore -- you name it, we probably have it. But sometimes toys don't cut it.  I wrote a post about pipe cleaners and how to use them as a tool and today... PAINTER'S TAPE!

Painter's tape is such a great tool for toddlers.  Stick it places and have them use their pincher's grip (dexterity/fine motor) to get it back up.  I like to put a lot down and then have Jackson go to town.  
(I usually have to live a little lip up so he can grab it easier.)

I didn't get pictures of this, but I alsotook some bunnies I cut out of cardstock and put the painter's tape on the back.  Jackson loved placing them on the wall and then taking them off an putting them up again.

Do you have any fun uses for painter's tape?  How about any other things you use in your house that you use as a toy?? 

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