Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday Thoughts With Jennifer
This may seem a little silly, but I have been following Jennifer from Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for quite some time, and I feel like she has had some sort of play in my starting to blog.  I'm linking up with her for Thursday Thoughts -- check below to see my silliness.
  • I'm not a huge fan of the Winter Olympics (I semi blame my sister and mom for making me watch all those years of sports I'm not a fan of (#kiddingbutnotkidding), but I've been watching the Women's Hockey Team because Hubs and I have a friend on the team (GO STACK!) and watching them lose to Canada today made me sad... for a minute.  Then I realized... ummm hellllloooo... they placed SILVER in the 2014 Olympics. They should be all kinds of proud.  Pff... All I did today was play in the water table and keep Baby J from trying to climb in it.
16! 16! 16!

  • So I teach Zumba at the local college, and not to toot my own horn, but toot-toot, I'm a pretty good dancer, but these girls shake what their momma gave them... and more.  It definitely makes me feel like I shouldn't be looking in their direction while dancing anddddd also makes me realize I'm at least 5-10 years older than they are... and things shake on me that I'm not trying to shake...
  • I have a "friend"... well more of an acquaintance, who recently moved to California to pursuit a career in comedy.  How do you tell someone who wants to be a comedian... that they aren't funny? 
  • Lastly, here comes the cheese.  I brought Baby J to visit a friend who had a wittle baby.  He got this grossly loved penguin (which I avidly named Gino, the Penguino) when he was three months old.  He loves him. It goes everywhere with him and the one time I tried to put him to bed without it (Gino fell out of the car in a parking lot somewhere and my amazing nephew Penguin hunted for it), he screamed for about two straight hours and grasped the air in the crib for it.  Well today, he saw little three week old baby ND, and tried to give him his Gino.  I am so lucky to be raising such an amazing little boy who wants to make others happy. 

  • Here... you can snuggle him.

What are you thinking about today? 
Kisses & Hugs - TPD


  1. That is such a sweet story! what a sweet little boy you have!!!
