Saturday, March 15, 2014

Friday Favorites with Frantic Mama

I've excited to link with Frantic Mama's Five Friday Favorites (I love me some good alliteration)! Take a peek below to what I have been loving (click on the pictures to see prices):

1. Water Infusers
I don't drink water.  I drink things that are mixed into water, and over time I realize it's not the best decision I make.  So when I found one of these at TJ Maxx, I was super interested.  I've tried it with raspberries and lemons/limes. Y-U-M! It definitely makes me drink more water than I have been!
2. Anastasia Dipbrow
If you have read my blog post about makeup kits for mommies, I wrote about how I use this on a regular basis.  This past week I've hit the gym more often and sweat more than I'd like to admit, and when I get home at the end of the day, my eyebrows are still there!

3. Towel Wrapping
Please note, this is NOT my arm... with a hairy armpit lol.  However, if you read my post yesterday, I had an injury in college which caused a longer term injury called "Cubital Tunnel Syndrome" which causes severe pain in my elbow to my fingertips.  To help out, and keep my arm straight while I am sleeping, the Orthopedic Surgeon told me to sleep with a towel taped around my arm.  It is so heavy and annoying, but it helps SO much.  I'm almost positive this would be on Hubs top 5 fave things too, especially when I accidentally hit him with it in the night!

4. Humidifier
My cousin originally gave this to baby J when we had his baby shower.  It's super cool and it has a spout that splits and can go into two directions.  We loved it so much I got one for our room too.  When the weather changes, it's super annoying that our room gets so dry and it killllls my throat.  This baby has been used so much the past couple days. 
5. Neutrogena Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover
Because I rarely go out of the house without mascara on, I need something that is going to get it off successfully.  When I teach fitness classes or if I am going to be working out, I tend to wear waterproof stuff on my eyes, and nothing annoys me more than when I wash my makeup off only to find half of it still all over my face/eyes. Ahhhhh, this stuff works and is amazeballs because it doesn't give you that greasy feeling or makes your eyes all cloudy like some waterproof makeup removers do. 
What are you loving this week?  How 'bout giveaways?  You like giveaways?  Have you entered mine?  The Makeup Forever Aqua Shadow Duo One?  Then you can pick up some Oil Free Makeup Remover, cuz those suckers stick around!

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