Thursday, March 27, 2014

Things You Have In Your Home

This week we've been lucky enough to have playgroups and such almost everyday, but there were mornings where little man has been super cranky and wanted to be engaged.  I freaked out.  I had nothing planned and little room to move, as he was clinging to my leg.  I looked around and saw my craft tote (doesn't everyone have a craft tote?) and remembered I had some pipe cleaners!  Pipe cleaners! I should be able to figure something out.  Jackson had been using the colander as a hat earlier, so that was still laying around.  Perfecttttt. 

Why is this a good idea?  It's great for gross and fine motor skills, as well as coordination. Maybe I should do it, too.  He played with it for a good amount of time.  But if I did this again, I would cut the pipe cleaners so they were less flimsy.  Jackson couldn't get the hang of holding on the ends of the pipe cleaners to have a better handle on it.  I also tried to flip the colander over so it was like a dome, but J wasn't having anything to do with that. 
A few days later we tried it again.  Those pipe cleaners came out again!  Except this time, little guy grabbed a pitcher.  He opened it up and went wild! Well... as wild as pipe cleaners can get.  He played with it for a bit and did really well with his dexterity. 

Some other ideas: 
  • Empty containers (like parmesan cheese or those Gerber Puffs babies were obsessed with!)Interweaving them into precut holes in foam board
  • Create cheerio/fruit loop bracelets!
What are some things around your house that your LO likes to play with?  Any pipe cleaner ideas?!

By the way, have you entered the giveaway yet?  Check it out here!

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